Sunday, March 31, 2019

Meteorito: Pantasma Meteorito, Nicaragua

Pantasma Tourist Project, Nicaragua
By Rolando Tellez

Two things are essential to make Pantasma an international tourist destination: Protection of the environment and the Rolando Tellez Rock Museum in Pantasma, Nicaragua. A joint effort is required for this untapped potential of this Meteorite Crater in northern Nicaragua.

My 2009 newspaper article included the idea of building a museum of beautiful rocks, which are found in Pantasma, Jinotega. These rocks and artifacts should be collected, classified, and protected by the Mayor's Office of Pantasma. However, the Mayor´s Office has technical and financial constraints. For this reason, a community effort is required to collect such rocks.

I suggested that the Mayor's Office must guarantee that every community member who has lent his/her rock(s), may withdraw such rocks at any time. Every participating community member must have gotten a guarantee certificate for the rocks lent to the Mayor's Office. A big collection of such rocks at a kiosk and later a museum will be an interesting tourist attraction.

On the other hand, local authorities such as INAFOR and MARENA, along with the Mayor's Office, must forbid cutting down trees, burns, and garbage thrown into rivers, creeks, streets, or roads. Also, I have made recommendations regarding the collection of rocks.

The book titled Meteorite, Pantasma Crater, Meteorite Impact and other bilingual books of Nicaragua are available at the Mayor´s Office. If you are interested in doing your bit, promoting this beautiful rural site, Pantasma, make sure you share this article with your social networks. For further information, you can e-mail me at

 Get a kick out of it at Meteorite Site

Meteorito: Pantasma Meteorito, Nicaragua: Meteorito de Pantasma Rolando Ernesto Téllez Los planetas del sistema solar se han formado por el impacto de colisiones en el espaci...

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